Wyss Campaign for Nature Supports New Reporting Project at The Guardian: "The Age of Extinction"


The Wyss Foundation is excited to announce a new grant through the Wyss Campaign for Nature to support The Guardian’s new reporting series, The Age of Extinction.

Through this series, journalists from The Guardian will produce cutting edge reporting on our planet’s wildlife and wild places, the impacts of nature’s decline on communities and economies, and creative solutions that are helping conserve the planet’s remaining natural systems.

The Wyss Foundation is joining with the BAND Foundation to support this year-long environmental journalism project.

The Guardian’s forthcoming series is timely; over the next 12 months, leaders from more than 190 nations will be negotiating a new international agreement to protect at-risk wildlife and accelerate the pace and scale of conservation. The new global biodiversity plan will be finalized at the Convention on Biological Diversity meetings in Kunming, China in October of 2020.

A growing coalition of scientists, indigenous groups, government leaders, conservation organizations, business leaders and philanthropists are heeding the call made last year by Hansjörg Wyss for world leaders to “make a shared commitment to protect at least 30 percent of the world’s marine and land environments by 2030.”

The Guardian is uniquely positioned to both report on the challenges our planet’s wildlife and wild places now face and to put a spotlight on the creative ways in which communities are working to better conserve the natural world,” said Molly McUsic, President of the Wyss Foundation. “With scientists recommending that countries work together to protect 30% of the planet’s lands and oceans by the year 2030, this type of deep reporting on the biodiversity crisis is urgently needed.”

Greg Zimmerman