Minam River (United States)
Photo credit: Matt Griffis
In 2020, the Wyss Foundation provided a $5,000,000 grant to the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation to acquire the Minam River Ranch property. The 15,500-acre property was deeded to the State of Oregon for inclusion in the Minam River Wildlife Area.
The Minam River Property links wildlife habitats from the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest and Eagle Cap Wilderness Area to the Minam State Recreation Area and Minam River Wildlife Area at the Minam and Wallowa Wild and Scenic Rivers confluence.
The property regularly supports at least 200 head of elk. A series of open ridges provide forage for elk, mule, and white-tailed deer in winter months. Diverse mixed forests, woodland savannahs, rangelands, riparian areas, and streams provide habitat for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep, mountain goat, Canada lynx, mountain lion, bobcat, black bear, mink, coyote, gray wolf, wild turkey, neotropical migrant birds, golden and bald eagles, and other montane bird species.
Native runs of iconic anadromous fish travel an incredible distance inland to spawn, returning to the upper reaches of the Minam River through the property. Approximately 160 miles of perennial and intermittent streams carry high-quality water through the property, providing extraordinary habitat for resident and migratory fish populations. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife manages the property for conservation and wildlife habitat.
This conservation success was made possible through the work of grantee the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.