Gayini Nimmie-Caira Project (Australia)
Photo credit: Ann Killeen
In 2019, the Wyss Foundation provided more than $4,000,000 in support to The Nature Conservancy in Australia to complete two projects in New South Wales. Gayini Nimmie-Caira is the more recent of the two to be completed, establishing a 216,222-acre sustainable agriculture zone and protected area in Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin. The land has been deeded to the Nari Nari people—the traditional owners of this land since time immemorial—for long-term stewardship.
Gayini Nimmie-Caira is cooperatively managed by the Nari Nari people and The Nature Conservancy to safeguard the area’s incredible biodiversity and ensure that critical environmental water flows continue in perpetuity. Permanent protection of this area has long been a priority of Australia’s conservation leaders, owing to its importance for migratory birds. Land managers are applying a creative, matrix style approach to conserving nature, whereby portions of the protected area remain in sustainable agricultural production while other areas are strictly protected.
Early in 2019, The Nature Conservancy, through a joint venture with Australia-based Tiverton Agriculture and with support from the Wyss Foundation, also acquired two cattle ranches totaling 84,435 acres in what is known as the “Great Cumbung Swamp.” The Great Cumbung and Gayini Nimmie-Caira are adjacent to each other and Yanga National Park. Together, more than 375,000 contiguous acres are protected in perpetuity in one of Australia’s most important landscapes.