African Parks (Angola, Benin, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Zimbabwe)
Matusadone National Park, Zimbabwe | Photo credit: Scott Ramsay
In 2016, Hansjörg Wyss and the Wyss Foundation made a visionary commitment to African wildlife and communities by announcing a new $65,000,000 partnership with the conservation organization African Parks. In 2021, a second commitment of up to an additional $108,000,000 was announced. The Johannesburg, South Africa-based African Parks partners with governments and local communities to restore and effectively manage some of Africa’s most majestic – and ecologically critical – protected areas.
The Wyss Foundation’s initial commitment was aimed at combating the ivory poaching crisis; it has so far enabled African Parks to effectively manage eight national parks and reduce key threats, including illegal wildlife crime, while supporting employment opportunities and improved livelihoods for thousands of people who live within or neighbor park boundaries.
With the support of the Foundation, African Parks has improved park management across more than 20 million acres, safeguarding the lives of nearly 9,000 elephants and almost 100 critically-endangered black rhinos. Organized poaching has been reduced significantly in Wyss-supported landscapes, and in some cases virtually eliminated. These resources are helping to support local communities, ensuring local livelihoods are improved by national parks, and local people are employed directly in conservation efforts as rangers, tour guides, and park administrative staff.
A list of Wyss-supported parks can be found below and more information about each is available through African Parks.
Badingilo National Park, South Sudan
Bazaruto National Park, Mozambique
Boma National Park, South Sudan
Iona National Park, Angola
Kafue National Park, Zambia
Liwonde National Park, Malawi
Majete Wildlife Reserve, Malawi
Matusadona National Park, Zimbabwe
Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve, Malawi
Nyungwe National Park, Rwanda
Pendjari National Park, Benin
W National Park, Benin